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Julie Brewster's Profile


Julie Brewster

Fourth Grade

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:


Conference Times:

10:00 am-11:00 am (plan time)

About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from Silver Lake High School in 1997.

I graduated from Emporia State University in 2001.

Degrees and Certifications:

I have a Bachelor of Science in Education with an emphasis in Early Childhood.

Professional Development:

Kagan Cooperative Learning

Current Position:

I started teaching in Silver Lake in 2012.  This is my third year here.  I am currently teaching fourth grade.

Previous Position:

I started teaching in 2001 for Topeka Public Schools, USD 501.  I taught first grade at McEachron Elementary for 11 years.

Family Information:

I was married to Jason Brewster in 2002.  We have two children and they both attend Silver Lake Elementary School.  We have one dog named Daisy and she is a Golden Retriever.

Personal Information:

When not teaching I am constantly running my children to all of their activities.  

I LOVE reading!!!!

Julie Brewster

Upcoming Events

Contact Julie Brewster

School Phone:
Conference Time:
10:00 am-11:00 am (plan time)