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Joy Hockett's Profile


Joy Hockett

English / Literature

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:


Conference Times:

maroon days12:05-1:25; gold days 8:35-10:00

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:


Degrees and Certifications:

I earned a B.A. in English from Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas in 1985. I later completed Secondary Education work and my special education Master's degree in Behavioral Disorders from Washburn University.

Current Position:

I have been with SilverLake Schools since 1991.   I currently teach 7th grade English and 8th grade literature.

Previous Position:

I taught special education for 16 years with students ages 10-22 before moving into regular education. 

Family Information:

I am married and our five children have left us with an "empty nest".  Well, empty except for a large dog, a gecko, two birds, two fish, and some cats.  Several cats.  Many cats.  Do not ask how many cats. For the record, I am NOT a crazy cat lady! (Personally, I don't even like one of them because sometimes he lunges at me in the dark and goes straight for the carotid artery. No matter how nicely I treat him, he wants me dead. Go figure.)  We never intended to own multiple cats.... They just found us. What can I say?

We also get to enjoy frequent visits from the most wonderful godson ever, so I get to be a pretend grandma to the world's most beautiful baby! (Don't worry, the evil cat likes babies. He only hates me.)